Main products: Single crystal assembly, Polycrystalline assembly,     Te;:13773576970 13956292924
Notice Bulletin:

Customer service after sale

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    Company before sale、Persist in the process of sales and after-sales“market oriented,take customer as priority”Business philosophy,discipline oneself strictly,Provide customers with quality products and services,Achieve maximum customer satisfaction。

    The company set up a customer service center to provide customers with timely hotline service,Enthusiasm and careful answer to customer's questions。

    After the company received the customer's complaint,Detailed record of customer complaints in customer complaints,Then forward it to the relevant department,Guaranteed to give the fastest processing results,Satisfactory response to customers。

    Marketing Department《Customer Classification》Regular survey of customer satisfaction,Survey by personal and telephone interviews,Or by letter、E-mail Or send it by fax“Customer satisfaction graph”,Survey customer satisfaction。


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